Lanarkshire Racing Pigeon Federation

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Established 1904  

1. That this Federation be called “The Lanarkshire Racing Pigeon Federation”.


2. In the construction of these rules, unless the context requires a different meaning: – Homing Society means any club or Society formed or established for the promotion and regulation of the Sport of Homing Pigeons keeping in any of its branches. General Meeting means the General Meeting of the members. Committee Meeting means the management committee. Secretary means Secretary and Treasurer.


3. Radius: – Open to Lanarkshire as known by County Maps in 1973.


4. Any club with members within the radius may be allowedto join the Federation. The club must submit names and

Addresses of intending members to Secretary of the Federation. The management committee will have the power to accept or Reject applications and shall not be bound to state reasons.


5. Clubs desiring to resign must give notice to Secretary on r before the first day of  November, otherwise they will be held

Liable for their full share of fees and expenses for ensuing year.


6. Clubs resigning from the Federation forfeit all claims to the

Property of the Federation.


7. All club members must be members of Lanarkshire Federation and Scottish Homing Union.


8. All Secretaries must send names and addresses of members When sending Federation fees. All membership fees to be

Paid before 30th December of the preceding year.


9. All meetings to be held at some place approved byCommittee.


10. Nominations for all offices – President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Chief race controller and Transport manager must be forwarded to the Secretary, Six weeks before the Annual General Meeting; same to be Placed on the Agenda attached to notice convening the Meeting. All proposers and seconders to be at the meeting.

11. The office-bearers of the Federation shall be the president, two Vice-Presidents, Race Controller, Transport Manager and Secretary. Who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and hold

Office for one year and shall be eligible for re-election.

12. The management of the Federation shall be vested in

Office-bearers and committee who shall manage the Federation

In accordance with Federation Rules and recommendations of

Annual General Meeting, the Committee of Management to consist

Of one delegate for every 30 members or part thereof who

Shall be appointed annually by clubs and whose names and

Addresses should be sent to Secretary before 31st January

Each year (one nominated substitute per club permitted whose

Name should also be submitted).

13. The committee shall have power to form sub-committees

For special purposes but any business or resolutions passed

Must be confirmed by management committee.

14. It will be the duty of the Secretary to attend all committee

And General Meetings and keep minutes thereof which shall be

Entered in books provided for the purpose. He will also keep a

True and correct statement of assets and liabilities.

15. All books shall be held by the Secretary, the committee

Shall determine to what extent the books and accounts or any of

Them shall be open to inspection by application of members

Through clubs.

16. The federation accounts shall be audited by two LRPF members appointed at the Annual General Meeting and serve for a maximum of two years.







                                                                                                                                                                                                                17. The Annual General Meeting will be held on the last

Saturday of  November  if possible in each year. Any alteration to

This Constitution and Rules can only be made giving six weeks

Notice together with the proposed alteration clearly stated and

The resolution intended to be submitted, such to be placed on

The Agenda attached to notice convening the meeting.

18. The President may call a Special General Meeting at

Any time.

19. The President or in his absence a Vice-President, shall

preside as Chairman at all meetings (General or Committee). In

the absence of the President or Vice-Presidents, those present

Shall elect one of their number to act as chairman. The chairman

Shall have a deliberate and a casting vote.

20. The declaration of the chairman that a resolution has or

Has not been carried, shall, unless a poll is demanded, be conclusive,

But if a poll is demanded, it shall be taken by a show of

Hands. Any relevant amendment may be proposed without previous

Notice but the decision of the chairman on the relevancy

Shall be final. Every member of the Federation shall have one

Vote. No voting by proxy.

21. No minority vote can win in any vote taken.

22. Should the Federation be in debt, each club shall pay in

Proportion to the number of members such sums as will make

up the deficit.

23. No money can be specially voted from funds for prizes

or any such purpose when the amount standing at the credit of

The Federation is less than £25,000. This is exclusive of close

Seasons general expenses.

24. The only office bearers allowed to vote in remit –

Committee, President, Vice-Presidents, Cheif race controller and Transport


25. That we adopt standing orders of Scottish Homing


26. In the event of any question arising as to the interpretation

of any of the rules of the Federation or as to the definition

Of any word or sentence therein, the question shall be referred

to the Management Committee.

27. The foregoing rules or any rules hereafter approved of

Shall govern all affiliated clubs of the Federation and any question

Which may arise not provided for herein can only be dealt

With by the committee of management. Aggrieved parties may

Appeal to Scottish Homing Union whose definition shall be final

and binding on all parties. The Federation claim the supreme

Right to settle all cases and disputes with the right of appeal

Only to Scottish Homing Union. See S.H.U. Rule 27, Page 7 for

Adoption procedure.

28. The Management committee choose appeal court as

Per S.H.U. book. See S.H.U. Rule 29, Page 8.

29. That clocks can remain unsealed only in clock setter’s care

Provided that they are under lock and key. Keys to be held by

Responsible official.

30. That the race programme meeting  to be held on the first available Saturday in November annually.

30a. That the race programme meeting be formatted with race points to be voted on race by race, full programmes will be accepted if all relevant information for non RPRA sites is supplied (i.e. date, race point name, code, availability/suitability, etc). If the body of the hall wish to propose against these or individual races within, they have the right to do so without prejudice. All proposals must be in secretary’s hands 28 days prior to the race programme meeting.







31. Powers of Race Controller in the event of bad weather.

(a) In Old Bird Races, will have the power to bring the birds back

To another point or return them to the Club.

(b) In Young Bird Races, can bring birds back to another race point

or return them to the Club. The birds will return to missed race point

The following week and races put back a week.

(c) In Open or Duplication Races, where Federation Pools and

Prizes are involved, if it is impossible to race from stated race point

Or the preceding longest, all monies in pools will be returned.

Entry money for duplication races to be returned, entry money in

Open races to be retained.

(d) In the event of an unfavourable weather forecast the Officials

 have the power to select an alternative race

Point without the necessity of going to the original race point on the


(e) Where there is no chance of a race due to extreme weather conditions,

Basketing may be delayed for 24 hours by the race controller.

This decision must be taken by 1300hrs on race marking day.

(f) Where there appears to be no chance of a weekend race due to an extreme weather forecast, race marking may be brought forward by 24 hours by the race controller. This decision must be made 24 hours prior to the stated pre-arranged marking times/dates.

32. Dual membership with other Federations will invalidate membership

Of Lanarkshire Federation. Only members holding dual membership

in 1986-87 will be accepted. Clubs applying as new

Members must comply with this Rule within twelve months of acceptance

or acceptance becomes invalid.

33. In the event of birds having to be returned from any race point failing to race, birds will be returned to the premises of Uddingston & District Homing Club where clubs at there own expense make arrangements to uplift same.

34.That the federation acquire and maintain a website, this to contain all the information that is in the year book, also to include the history-documents-results-latest news-reports by the pro-liberation time and any other info that is of importance to the members.

35. That a social convenor will be elected who will be responsible for the organisation of the annual social presentation of prizes, including all matters relating to this event.

36. Lanarkshire Racing Pigeon must convoy and control all inland races without influence or input from any other organisation.